Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Doggie LATCH

The Latest Use for LATCH

Our ever-diligent researcher Katrina just discovered yet another creative use for LATCH – for a doggie harness attachment. The leash is a “tether” strap that attaches with a SafeGuard push-on connector to a lower LATCH bar or (with a webbing loop) to a buckled seat belt. Never mind that the weight limit for the dog might be over 40 pounds (it is shown on a large Lab), that the dog is attached only by one bar, that the strap is loose so the dog can move around (meaning the dog would be thrown forward before being brought up short by the strap), and the harness is up around the dog’s chest (gasp) as well as over the shoulders. Here’s a link.

Well, at least it might keep the dog from being thrown into the front seat occupants. And now there might be a need for LATCH anchors in the backs of pickups (oops, then kids might be buckled up back there, too!). Unintended consequences...

You can’t say we don’t keep up with technology!
