Monday, January 30, 2012

When a Picture is Worth More Than 10,000 Words…

SRN Website Invites You to a Gallery of the Oddities of the LATCH World

The newest feature on our website is the LATCH Gallery. It‘s like a rogue’s gallery, featuring the unusual, if not to say “weird,” LATCH anchors we’ve found in vehicles.

Denise and Katrina, SRN’s crack LATCH vehicle team, started the gallery by collecting photos of anchors they’ve seen while visiting auto shows and checking vehicles. Simply by taking a stroll through the gallery you will find it easier to recognize the possible variations, making trouble-shooting in the field easier for CPSTs.

I’m sure our intrepid LATCH investigators haven’t seen every odd anchor out there. If you have found an unusual configuration hiding in a vehicle, please inform all of us by contributing photos to the gallery.
You’ll find a submission form on our LATCH Gallery page.
